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NewsEducationData, AI & ML


September 01, 2022 - September 30, 2025

Fighting disinformation with intelligent coaching.

Project Inquiries

Tim Van Lier


Partners: Engineering, ATC, NCSR – Demokritos, UNINETTUNO, Institute of Philosophy & Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), SwarmCheck, 21c Consultancy Ltd, FONDEN TEKNOLOGIRADET, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Artevelde Hogeschool, Center for the Study of Democracy, University of Dundee ,

The TITAN innovation project offers a new co-designed and AI-based, citizen coaching approach. This empowers people to arrive at their own conclusions about the factual correctness or reliability of an online statement in a manner similar to an experienced factchecker. The results can end the unintentional sharing and spread of false or misleading information. Throughout the project, TITAN will use new technologies such as trusted machine learning, experiential learning, conversational agents, and adaptive intelligence tools. 

VRT will act as a pilot partner and will embed the TITAN tools in an educational workshop, targeted at students. 

TITAN has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658, and by UK Research and innovation under the UK governments Horizon funding guarentee grant numbers 10040483 and 10055990.