The Vatican
In the six-part series The Vatican, we head to Rome to assess, in an accessible way, the damage done to an institution that has had to face and handle an endless series of scandals, as well as emptying churches. Armed with six vitally important questions that are linked to the core problems with which the institution struggles and illustrating these themes with fabulous footage from the world’s finest image archives, we investigate the thesis that the end might be near for the Vatican, and the role which the pope could play in this potential scenario. The six questions:
Could a pope potentially change the church, or are its structures too resilient for that? How does the Vatican deal with obstructionists? Are the Jews friends or foes? Why does woman, attributed extraordinary dignity by numerous church documents, remain invisible at the Vatican? Is sexual pleasure always sinful? How do you become pope?

6 x 52 min

Q2 2020
Kat Steppe
Jo Badisco
Rik Torfs
Mood teaser available upon request