

Radio 2 is Flemish public broadcaster VRT’s largest radio station, and the most popular in Flanders. Radio2 is a companion that guides its audience through the day and helps them understand the world, near and far. The radio station offers useful tips and tricks for daily life and is emotionally close to its listeners. Radio2 feels and strengthens the pulse of Flemish society, devoting a lot of attention to regional news, recognizable human stories from all over Flanders and a distinct Dutch-language music playlist.   

For years, Radio2 has been the market leader in Flanders, boasting a market share of approximately 30%. This gives the brand a unique position in Europe. With Radio 1, it is the highest rated radio station in Flanders. 

The continuing popularity of Radio2 can be explained by the brand’s unique identity. Radio2 is a beacon of trust. The brand helps listeners get through the day with practical information, relaxing content, stories close to the heart and a wide range of music. The station offers a nuanced view of the world comprising infectious optimism and a positive attitude. 

The largest family

Listening to Radio2 is like coming home to a large family. Everyone is welcome and is treated with warmth and affection. The brand wants to make sure that listeners get to know Flanders and its people inside out. The programming is based on familiarity and is shaped by strong, human, and personal stories. Serious when required, full of humour where possible. 

Flemish society in all its facets creates an endless source of inspiration. Programmes such as De madammen (The Women) open up various social issues to discussion, for instance the wish to have children from people with a mental disability and the way young people deal with grief. Difficult issues are not avoided and stories that live among people in Flanders are addressed. 

Radio2 also amuses. Programmes like De weekwatchers, De zoete inval (Open House) or De rechtvaardige rechters (The Fair Judges) deal with current affairs in a lively and inspired way and provide the necessary dose of humour and perspective. Taking a load off and space for social reflection: That too, is Radio2. 

Regional roots 

Radio2 distinguishes itself through regional commitment. The brand keeps its finger on the pulse through regional editing in each province, where stories are collected from our own people and radio is made together with listeners. The strength of the brand lies in these Flemish roots. This is reflected in its news programming, among other things. 

The regional roots are evident in the morning- and afternoon editions, specifically aimed at the specific regions. Here, the focus is on both regional and global current affairs, always based on the local perspective. 

Additionally, there is specific news programming, where the general broadcasts are alternated with the regional newscasts. At all times, Radio 2 ensures that the news is accessible to a wide range of people. The content is presented as comprehensibly as possible, so everyone can join the largest Radio2 family. 

The proximity to the radio station is also used digitally. The brand is the first point of contact for events and developments in the region. These regional editions are also an important source for VRT NWS, with which there is close cooperation. 

Inspired by daily life 

Radio2 offers a guideline to better deal with the flow of information that listeners face on a daily basis. The brand provides a relevant selection and explains complicated issues, focusing on practicality. For instance, the consumer programme De inspecteur (The Inspector) provides daily assistance to help solve problems involving purchases. 

Online too, this service proves to have useful content, such as the digital platform Aha!. This platform bundles useful facts, clever tricks, creative ideas and ingenious answers to everyday questions. For instance, it will tell you how to get rid of fruit flies from the kitchen and how to keep cool during warm nights. 

The greatest variety in (Flemish) music 

Music programming is an important component of what Radio2 has to offer as a relaxing station. The brand’s music programming is tremendously varied, widely accessible and timeless, with both hits and classics from the popular genres from the sixties right through to today. Radio2 identifies new trends in pop music, but also opts for familiar classics. 

Musically, Radio2 advocates Dutch and Flemish music in all its various manifestations. Flemish and Dutch production take up a significant place in the play lists, which is one of brand’s unique strengths. With De eregalerij (The Hall of Fame) the station honours, on an annual basis, deserving artists and composers who have contributed to a rich repertory of Flemish classics. 

The online platform VivaVlaanderen provides a richly documented picture of national artists and their careers. To actively stimulate new talent, Radio2 commissions compositions from Flemish artists and the brand provides a place on the online platform for new productions. This way, Radio2 wants to map the complete Flemish popular genre in the long run.