Radio 1
Radio 1 is Flemish public broadcaster VRT’s news radio. Radio 1 stimulates and inspires the media user with new insights. It presents general news and sports, and pays a lot of attention to politics, culture and science. It closely follows important developments in society and initiates social debate. Radio 1 is committed to strong informative audio on-demand content. In terms of music, it is the most diverse radio station in Flanders, with a mix of classic rock and contemporary pop, many Flemish and Dutch-language productions and other music genres
Radio 1 is the VRT brand par excellence that guides its audience through the wide range of current events and inspires people with new discoveries, insights and experiences.
Radio 1 is for everyone in Flanders who is curious about life and wants to get to know the world around them. The brand responds to that need for more with an extensive, reliable and diverse range of news: up-to-the-minute news and an explanation of how things in society really work.
Radio 1 offers opportunities to discover the world, to know more, and to understand topics more deeply. The brand's programming is aimed at questioning the obvious and surprising the public with new insights and compelling stories.
Reliable guide
Radio 1 is a reliable guide that checks facts and follows the news closely. News bulletins keep listeners up to date with the latest developments throughout the day. The brand is in the here and now and follows the heartbeat of the news to the rhythm of the listener. The rich and differentiated news programmes are presented by permanent and recognisable news personalities. Thanks to a flexible and open programme schedule, Radio 1, in collaboration with VRT NWS, can always integrate news and information into the programmes.
In the morning, Radio 1 sets the agenda with a broad overview of what is important that day. In the daily programme De ochtend, key figures come by for the first reactions and interviews. Our own and external experts provide analyses and clarification. Anyone who starts the morning with Radio 1 starts the day well informed.
De wereld vandaag will also keep you informed. The most important news of the day is discussed, accompanied by intelligent interviews and analyses. The programmes highlight current events in all domains: politics, economics, science, people and society, technology, culture, welfare and health, and more.
Always interested
Radio 1 is more than just a news channel: it is a "curious channel". The brand is constantly amazed of what is happening around us and dares to question things. Scientific theories, human behaviour, personal testimonials, historical insights, lessons from neighbouring countries and exotic regions,... Everything can fascinate and inspire programme makers and listeners.
Radio 1 wants to inform and not polarise. Inspire and not impress. The brand wants to offer insight and a view of possible solutions, but leaves any judgment to their critical listeners.
This makes Radio 1 a pleasant, empathetic and interesting partner. Programmes such as Interne keuken, Nieuwe feiten and De wereld van Sofie have a strong identity on the radio, in podcast form and online, because they work in an original and creative way with themes such as care, science, the environment, culture, history and people and society. Touché on the other hand focuses on in-depth, personal conversations with interesting guests.
Culture at heart
Culture programming is rooted throughout the radio station. Artists and performers are much sought-after guests in the talk shows. Radio 1 has an eye for current culture in its information programming and for cultural discoveries and multi-layering in other programmes. Culture Club zooms closer into the weekly cultural agenda in Flanders and regularly broadcasts live from significant cultural events in Flanders, such as the Design Museum in Ghent or from the ‘Ultimas’, the Flemish cultural awards.
The Radio 1-programme makers are avid book readers. They try to convey their enthusiasm to the listeners. Books will often lead to conversations or programme items. Indeed, Interne keuken (Internal Kitchen) is mostly constructed around newly published non-fiction literature.
Bitten by The Sports Bug
As the only one of its kind, Radio 1 offers live sports coverage. They may be integral games, but they often offer grabs of exciting moments or finals. For sports too, Radio 1 wants to offer guidance. The analyses and interpretation comprise more than just matches. The brand also reports on the events happening around the field and in the boardrooms.
Cycling, cross-country, and football: any typical Flemish sports fan will be more than satisfied about their favourite sports on Radio 1. Other sports like hockey, athletics, basketball and volleyball also have their own spots on the radio. Annually, Radio 1 covers more than 45 different sports, which is more than any other radio station.
Variety in music
Radio 1 offers the most varied musical programming of all Flemish radio stations. There is a place for new and classic pop and rock, but also for folk, blues, jazz and world music.
Home-grown talent is a favourite. Radio 1 pays ample attention to the latest Belgian releases and instead gives local artists the opportunity to play on large or small stages with Radio 1-sessions at original locations. Flemish artists such as Tamino and Charlotte Adigéry for example, were discovered during one of these sessions.
15% of the Radio 1 music is Dutch. The popular Lage Landenlijst (Lowlands List) highlights the music even more intensely every year. Non-Dutch national music also gets lots of attention. This happens throughout the day in the playlist, but also in programmes like Belpop and specials like the Belpop 100.
Radio 1 alive online
The powerful stories on Radio 1 also have their place on the website and are often streamed to vrtnws.be, where they reach an even wider audience. Now and then, Radio 1 also creates 360° formats. Such as Fifty Fifty, a multimedia project for the over-fifties in the labour market, offering podcasts and videos on radio1.be and an elaborate social media strategy.
Beside the enormous popularity of live radio, there is also increasing interest in audio on demand. Podcasts are requested and listened to more than ever before. Radio 1 too, focuses on longer audio stories that are available whenever, wherever, offering podcasts like Iemand (Somebody) (a series about ordinary people with extraordinary stories) and Wanderland (walks with well-known musicians).
Since September 2019, anyone can listen (back) to the Radio 1 most powerful, most emotional and most important stories in short audio fragments with Radio 1 Select via radio1.be and the Radio 1 app. The stories, reports and interview are taken from, for instance De Ochtend (The Morning), Byloo, De Wereld van Sofie (Sofie’s World), Nieuwe Feiten (New Facts), De Wereld Vandaag (The World Today), Culture Club and Touché. Thus, Radio 1 offers almost 40 short audio fragments every day. This makes Radio 1 the broadcaster with the largest digital programming for radio.
Information is the core programming of Radio 1. Besides numerous news broadcasts, it also comprises the daily current affairs programmes De ochtend and De wereld vandaag.
Radio 1 looks at numerous social issues (such as the environment, care, welfare, health and science) in many of its programmes, for instance the discussion programme Touché and Interne keuken (with lengthy conversations).
Culture is part of almost all programmes. Radio 1 also offers specific cultural programmes, such as Culture club which focuses on the cultural agenda.
Familiar and mature pop music. A selection from primarily traditional and general musical genres like rock, soul, singer-songwriters and related genres, including classics from the past four decades and new productions. The focus on local talent is key. The music is mainly to support spoken information. Radio 1 also offers in-depth programming, focusing strongly on discovery and current issues.
Specific musical genres for example folk/singer-songwriters, world, blues, soul and jazz are also covered on Radio 1.